

HONORARY PATRONAGE on E-GIFT 2010 is established by:


E-GIFT 2010 conferences gained honorary patronage of Mr. Bernard Błaszczyk - Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Poland


The patronage of the Ministry of the Environment is an honorary distinction; it covers projects having particular impact on promotion of the topics linked with environment protection and sustainable development.


Minister Błaszczyk supervises directly the activities of Department of Climate Change and Atmospheric Protection, Department of Waste Management and Department of Environmental Instruments, as well as he exercises, on behalf of the Minister of the Environment, the supervision over performance of the activities being managed by the National Administrator of the Emission Allowances Trading Scheme, and the Institute of Environmental Protection. Within his competences he manages all matters that relate to pollutant emissions and the energy and climate package. He wrote many his own and also participated to collective publications and papers in the field of waste management and environmental instruments, as well as one dedicated to the river basin management.


POGP - Polish LPG Association

Employers association, which in cooperation with government agencies, local authorities and other LPG market players, concentrates on lobbying activities aimed at futhering the growth of LPG sector. Over the many years of its operation, the Association has gained a proven record of reliable assessment of occurrences and happening and of ability to reconcile the interest not limited to the industry alone but extended to consumers and the State. POGP is a member of the European LPG Association. Read more:


AEGPL - European LPG Association

AEGPL is comprised of 24 national LPG associations, representing the main European LPG suppliers, distributors and equipment manufacturers. In order to ensure its participation in the promotion of LPG at the international level, AEGPL is a member of the World LPG Association (WLPGA). With the support of its specialized commissions and standing committees of industry experts, AEGPL is actively involved in concrete initiatives and programs to ensure the safe, efficient and sustainable development of LPG in Europe. Read more:


WLPGA - World LP Gas Association

Formerly known as the World LP Gas Forum and founded on 19th June 1987 in Dublin to organise an annual Conference and Exhibition, the World LP Gas Association has evolved to become the authoritative global voice for LP Gas. With over 180 members operating in more than 90 countries, the activities of the WLPGA have expanded considerably over the last 20 years to include all activities expected of an effective global trade association. As the authorative, global voice for LP Gas, the WLPGA promotes the use of LP Gas worldwide to foster a cleaner, healthier and more prosperous world.

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ARGUS is a leading provider of price assessments, business intelligence and market data for the global crude oil, petroleum products, gas, LPG, coal, electricity, biofuels, biomass, emissions and transportation industries. It is headquartered in London, and has offices in Moscow, Washington, Houston, Singapore, Tokyo, Beijing, New York, Kiev, Sydney Astana, Portland, Johannesburg and Dubai. Read more: website is dedicated to people responsible for company cars in small and medium enterprises. The portal users can learn, among others, how to manage company vehicles, decrease exploitation costs, or what finance offer to choose in order to buy cars. presents the hottest news from automotive business, detailed results of car tests (not only passenger ones), legal advices, and many more useful pieces of information every day. Read more: website is one of the biggest and oldest sites devoted to fleet management in companies. It is designated to fleet managers, and provides them with information that significantly influences their decisions and actions. Besides fleet management information, site offers car tests and vast gallery. The portal constitutes also a communication and opinion exchange platform for fleet management experts. Read more: is the first web port dedicated to alternative fuels and drives and the ultimate source of information concerning LPG (aka autogas or propane), CNG (natural gas), hybrids and technologies of the future – everything a contemporary driver and car enthusiast should know, presented in a thorough, comprehensive way. provides you with all the basic knowledge as far as green fuels go in a clear, logical and easy to follow fashion., as a media partner of numerous LPG- and CNG-centered events, uses all the advantages of the Internet to give you account of the most interesting shows, conferences and presentations – quickly and without limitations. is also a community forum, where you can express and share views with experienced professionals and fellow users. We are the place to locate all companies from the autogas field, including fitting garages, filling stations, MOT stations, Internet shops and wholesalers, as well as approved service stations. We also offer a dedicated professionals' zone, users' opinions of alternatively fueled cars and a unique, precise tool enabling you to estimate the real-life cost of running an LPG-powered car – the Gazeo Simulator. Read more:


PETROEXPRESS is an internet medium, which providing continuous access to the up to-date information related with petroleum sector: products, legal acts, events calendar, the most recent market and technological developments, and many others. It is addressed to all oil and gas market players, transport and service companies and other organizations and entities concerned with the subject. Read more: